[Zotero beta] Missing Web Page in 'New Item' button

Someone who wants to create a new item as Web Page must create other type items first, then modify the Item Type as Web Page in the right side pane.

- Screenshot for New Item
- Screenshot for Item Type
  • edited July 10, 2024
    Not really. The best way to input a web page is to capture it through the browser, not enter it manually https://www.zotero.org/support/adding_items_to_zotero

    (more specifically: https://www.zotero.org/support/adding_items_to_zotero#manually_adding_items )

    This is not specific to the v7 beta, by the way.
  • Yes. I know that. But I don't notice it is a traditional design. The only scene I need this function is when I want to add a new parent item for the autosaved web page.
    As mentioned in my report above, I can use that approach to satisfy this need, since it's probably a niche demand.
    Thanks for your kind reply.
  • The only scene I need this function is when I want to add a new parent item for the autosaved web page.
    That part I don't understand -- how are you even able to save a webpage snapshot without a parent item? Any way I can think of to save a webpage to Zotero already has it attached to a (typically webpage item type) parent?

    I think there are longstanding plans to change the design here -- I think it's right to point users to existing better (in most scenarios) ways to create webpage item types, but the way this is currently designed creates more confusion than it's worth
  • I want to change the parent item for the child webpage item, i.e. move the webpage from the old parent item to a new one. The webpage certainly belongs to one parent item before.
  • huh -- and why don't you just change the existing parent item? Seems weird to create a new parent from scratch and having to add things like the URL, access date manually. That's the reason there's no option to create this new: because you already have one created.
  • edited July 10, 2024
    For example, the child snapshot file was attached manually before, however, now I want to create a separate regular item for it.
    More general, when I create parent items for the html files saved by SingleFile (Chrome extension) instead of Zotero, I need this function. Especially for the html files with broken urls.
  • I'm even more puzzled (but interested). Can you explain your workflow step by step, including all SingleFile and Zotero actions?
  • This workflow is only for the separate html files before I hug to Zotero.
    1. Before I knew Zotero, I saved the interested webpages using the SingleFile extension.
    2. Recently I want to move them into Zotero Library. Unfortunately, some URLs of those snapshots are broken due to particular reasons, indicating that I cannot add the corresponding item via the web browser. So I have to add the parent item manually and attach the HTML files to the item.
    But few people do this after all.

    After I started using Zotero, it was convenient for me to add webpage items via the browser, and the creation of parent items and the addition of snapshot attachments was done automatically. BTW, Zotero also uses SingleFile to save snapshots for the webpage.
  • > Unfortunately, some URLs of those snapshots are broken due to particular reasons, indicating that I cannot add the corresponding item via the web browser.

    Can you provide an example?
  • Sorry, I misread the previous message and missed the "Before I knew Zotero" part.
    Now if I understand correctly this is actually a clean-up operation, and not the regular use for current work? How many saved webpages are we talking about?

    Anyway, I think you could easily create an almost empty "web page" reference as a template. Duplicate it when needed, attach your SingleFile-saved web page to the copy and edit the metadata accordingly. Would this address your use case?
  • > Duplicate it when needed, attach your SingleFile-saved web page to the copy and edit the metadata accordingly. Would this address your use case?

    Yes, I am indeed organizing my old files. As described initially, I can create other type items first, then modify the Item Type as Web Page in the right side pane. That approach can satisfy my demand well.
    Thanks for your suggestions.
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