Report ID 567199201: error occurs when inserting citations
Error occurs when inserting a new citation using certain styles such as Cell or Nature, but not others such as Elsevier - Harvard (with titles). After insertion, an error dialog showed up, the sentence was broken into two lines at the insertion, and the citation wouldn't be added to the bibliography.
This error can always be reproduced under the following situations:
> a new Word document,
> roll back Word 365 from current release to several previous releases,
> different citations,
> new Zotero installation with a fresh database
> Zotero 7
Screenshot using the Cell style:
Screenshot using the Elsevier - Harvard (with titles) style:
------- error log -------
[JavaScript Error: "The range cannot be deleted. [setText:y:\adomas\zotero\word-for-windows-integration\build\zoterowinwordintegration\field.cpp]"]
version => 6.0.36, platform => Win32, oscpu => Windows NT 10.0; WOW64, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 6.0.36, extensions => Storage Scanner for Zotero (5.0.11, extension), Zutilo Utility for Zotero (3.10.0, extension), Zotero LibreOffice Integration (6.0.4.SA.6.0.36, extension), Zotero Word for Windows Integration (6.0.4.SA.6.0.36, extension), ZotFile (5.1.2, extension), ZoteroQuickLook (1.4.2, extension, disabled)
This error can always be reproduced under the following situations:
> a new Word document,
> roll back Word 365 from current release to several previous releases,
> different citations,
> new Zotero installation with a fresh database
> Zotero 7
Screenshot using the Cell style:
Screenshot using the Elsevier - Harvard (with titles) style:
------- error log -------
[JavaScript Error: "The range cannot be deleted. [setText:y:\adomas\zotero\word-for-windows-integration\build\zoterowinwordintegration\field.cpp]"]
version => 6.0.36, platform => Win32, oscpu => Windows NT 10.0; WOW64, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 6.0.36, extensions => Storage Scanner for Zotero (5.0.11, extension), Zutilo Utility for Zotero (3.10.0, extension), Zotero LibreOffice Integration (6.0.4.SA.6.0.36, extension), Zotero Word for Windows Integration (6.0.4.SA.6.0.36, extension), ZotFile (5.1.2, extension), ZoteroQuickLook (1.4.2, extension, disabled)