Book Author - book section - help csl

I want use this new option for book section, when the autor of section is different by the author of book like:

Section author, "Section title", in Book Author, "Book title"...

If this option is already implemented in a style which is, if not how to edit my csl for that?

  • what you call book author would usually be considered an editor:
  • I have introduce the "Book Autor" in Zotero, but does not appear in the footnote.
    How to edit my csl for that?

  • dranik - you have to provide more detail of what you're doing. Right now I can't tell either what you have done so far nor what exactly you actually want to do.
  • edited March 7, 2010
  • edited March 7, 2010
    I resolved temporary the problem!
  • The final settlement will take place only when you can define a different "Book section" by the dictionary and encyclopedia articles.
    It is possible that?
    Currently wants to book section appear:

    Section author, "Section title", in Book Author, "Book title"...

    and dictionary article to appear:

    Article author, "Article title", in "Dictionary title"...,

    but because "Book section" and "Dictionary entry" are mapped like "chapter" I can not to use this option.
  • that's correct, there is no solution for this at the moment.
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