App not Syncing - because of Java OpenJDK?

I accessed my account from this computer, but neither the Weblibrary nor the Desktop App showed the Data (just a white page with the little Z). My IT Admin suggested it was because Java isn't installed (It's not a private computer and they don't want to license Java). So they installed Temurin OpenJDK. That got the Weblibrary running, I can see the data there now. But not in the Zotero App. When I try to sync, it says: "Request timed out", the red button appears an says: "The Zotero sync server did not accept your username and password." Is that an OpenJDK issue or due to something else?
  • edited July 3, 2024
    Your IT admin is confused. The only thing in Zotero that uses Java is the LibreOffice plugin. The web library certainly doesn't use Java and wasn't fixed by installing Java. A sync timeout in the desktop app would be due to your internet connection. See Connection Error.
  • Indeed, it had nothing to do with Java. As "Connection Error" documentation suggests, I now set "network.proxy.type" to "4" in Zotero Preferences > Advanced > Config Editor (instead of 5, which is the default setting). Everything fine now. Thanks for your help.
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