A Citation question about the same family name but different first names.

Dear forum users,

Chen, J., Tang, G., Zhou, G., Zhu, W., 2023a. ChatGPT, Stock Market Predictability and Links to the Macroeconomy. Available at SSRN 4660148.
Chen, J., Yao, J., Zhang, Q., Zhu, X., 2023b. Global disaster risk matters. Management Science 69(1), 576–597.
Chen, Z., Da, Z., Huang, D., Wang, L., 2023. Presidential economic approval rating and the cross-section of stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics 147(1), 106–131.

I have an issue with inserting citations in Word. As shown in the References above, I intend to insert three papers with the first author named Chen, all from the year 2023. The citation format I am aiming for (author-year) should be "Chen et al. (2023a)", "Chen et al. (2023b)", "Chen et al. (2023c)". However, Zotero is displaying the citations as "J. Chen et al. (2023a)", "J. Chen et al. (2023b)", "Z. Chen et al. (2023)". Question 1: Zotero defaults to showing only the family name, but since these three papers involve two scholars with the same family name but different first names, Zotero automatically adds their first names, which I do not want. Question 2: When the scholars with the family name "Chen" are not the same person, meaning their first names are different, Zotero fails to distinguish their papers from the same year with labels a, b, c, resulting in "Z. Chen et al. (2023)." instead of "Chen et al. (2023c)."

I would like to know how to use the tool at the provided link (https://editor.citationstyles.org/visualEditor/) to resolve this issue, or if there are alternative tools available.

Thank you.
  • Select your style of choice in the visual editor, click on "Inline Citation" on the left and then at the bottom right set "disambiguate-add-givenname" to false (and make sure disambiguate-add-year-suffix is set to true, which it likely is already).

    Then click on "Info" at the top left, change the title, save the style, OK the changes to title and ID and install in Zotero.
  • it works. thank you very much!
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