[iOS + Apple Pencil]: double tap and annotation panel

I am using an Apple Pencil where you can double tap on the pencil to switch between the drawing and eraser tool.

In order to draw with the pencil, you can open the annotation panel and then click on the drawing tool. To turn this off, you can just close the annotation panel.

When the annotation panel is not open and the pencil sccrolls and highlights, you can accidentally double tap on the pencil and switch the pencil to the drawing tool. This is does not open the annotation panel and thus you might think that you can still scroll or highlight.

Thus, it would be cool if a double tap that activates the drawing or eraser tool opens the annotation panel so that the user knows that tool is active.
  • Hey @jeremyvancleve, thanks for letting us know. A fix will be included in an upcoming version.
  • excellent! thanks!

    a minor feature suggestion if possible here would be for the double tap to switch between the last selected of either the writing and erasing tool and no selected tool. When double tapping and there is no selected tool and the annotation panel closed, the panel would open and the last selected tool would be selected.

    This way, you could go from scrolling and highlighting to writing with a double tap and then back again with another double tap. With the panel opening when the annotation tool is selected, then you know you have switched and can switch back.

    Another option is to implement some of this functionality in the squeeze feature for the pencil pro, though that would limit the number of folks who could use it.
  • Did you check the latest behavior there? The tool-switching behavior was changed — along with this bug fix — in the latest version.
  • I'm using version 1.0.40 of the beta.

    #1 from the pull request is fixed.

    #2 may not be working. When the annotation panel is open and no tool is selected, double tapping on the pencil does nothing. When either the pen or eraser tool is selected, double tapping switches to the other tool. I cannot get from a selected tool to no selected tool, which is what I think the pull request suggests is being implemented.

    I think if #2 worked correctly, then one would be able to select the pencil tool, write, then double tap to return to no selected tool where the pencil could scroll or highlight. I think that would pretty much cover the functionality I was suggesting in the previous post.
  • @jeremyvancleve #2 should work as expected. Have you selected "Switch Between Current Tool and Last Used" on Settings.app > Apple Pencil > Double-Tap ?
  • ah, cool, thanks! Yes it works once I change that setting.

    Is it possible to have it switch through all three states? Pen tool, then eraser tool, then unselected? That way you could get to all of them without having to click on the annotation panel.
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