Zotero Connector blocked by the 12VPX extension

edited July 2, 2024
I am using this extension to use the VPN 12VPX on a filtered list of websites, so that I can get direct access to publishers pages (university access), but still use the VPN on other websites that are blocked from China.

When the extension is running, it blocks the Zotero Connector:


Even if I set the extension to use the direct access to the webpage, and not use the VPN:


Is there any way to get them work together? Otherwise, I have to disable the 12VPX extension every time I want to import an article.

Debug ID: D586576804

    (3)(+0001576): Connector: Method ping failed with status 503
    The Zotero Connector talks to the Zotero app by making HTTP requests to, which is a special IP address for the current computer (the "loopback address"). That extension seems to be redirecting/blocking such requests (503 means "Service Unavailable"), which no properly behaving tool should ever do. You'd have to talk to them.
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