"The document citations are being edited by another Zotero user. Please try again later." message

I am currently getting "The document citations are being edited by another Zotero user. Please try again later." message when I try to add citations or a bibliograhy from zotero into a google doc. I have been reading previous discussions about this. I have tried the various tips suggested in previous discussions to no avail.

This is my debug ID: D787636042

If this is an entirely a server-side issue on Google's side, could anyone inform Google about this? I do not know if Google has acknowledge the problem. I started to have this issue over the weekend. Thank you.
  • Could you submit a Debug ID for an attempt to cite in the document when overriding the document lock?
  • The debug ID is D504282499. Thank you Adomasven!
  • Sorry, I wasn't clear. You should submit a Debug ID from the Zotero Connector for the document lock override.
  • Thank you for the clarification.
    The Debug ID is D1661753083.
    I followed the instructions below. Under 3, the action that I did was to add a citation in my google doc.
    Zotero Connectors (Firefox, Chrome, and Safari)

    Image of the instructions:

  • Under Report errors, I got:
    [JavaScript Error: "Invalid proxy %h/%p: TypeError: parts[1].split(...).pop().match(...) is null"]

    [JavaScript Error: "GoogleDocs.UI.LinkInsertBubble: waiting to close has timed out. Link insert bubble animation watcher broken?"]

    If what you need is a debug I for the action "importing an item from a web page", the debug ID is D1695643744 but my problem is connected with citations in google doc, not with importing an item into zotero which seeems to be working fine.

    Thank you!
  • Based on your Debug ID it looks like a citation was successfully added. Did an issue occur when you were adding it?
  • I was able to solve it yesterday. Thank you adomasven!
  • edited 17 days ago
    @jalonso-regalado I am running into the same bug. How did you solve this? I am using Zotero to make citations in a google doc.
  • Hi @jberini. Unfortunately, I do not know how I was able to fixed it back in july. I am currently having problems with zotero 7 and google docs. Sorry I cannot help!
  • hmmm... well, thank you for the response. These problems are never good, but are especially problematic right before a grant submission.
  • @jalonso-regalado @jberini Issues can arise due to a variety of factors including Zotero bugs, Google bugs or service outages or user error. See Reporting Problems. If you're having an issue, start a new thread, describe your problems and we will help you troubleshoot it and if it's a Zotero bug, fix it on our end.
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