Zotero crashes when multiple microsoft word documents are open

I am working on a chapter in my doctoral dissertation, and I need to have multiple word documents open at once to transfer references cited in old versions to the current version of my chapter. I am using Microsoft Word 2013. Using Zotero in this circumstance sometimes causes word to crash. Other times, when a reference is clicked on and opened in Zotero, nothing happens. I really do need to have multiple documents open at once, so just closing some of them is not a very feasible option. Thanks for your help.
  • You should make sure you are running the latest version of Word 2013. Any crashing of Word is due to instability in Word itself and Zotero cannot do anything about it. Some versions of Word tend to crash more than others, but we have not been able to identify which ones are more prone to that due to the random nature of it.
    Other times, when a reference is clicked on and opened in Zotero, nothing happens.
    When this happens look through open Zotero windows and make sure a citation window isn't already open. If you already have a citation window open, but then switch away from it to perform some other task, and press Add/Edit Citation in Word again, the citation window should pop back up on top of other windows, but sometimes it might not, and this might result in it seeming like "nothing happens".
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