Converting File to TEI XML with Zotero Bibliography in Header and Cross-References in Text

edited June 25, 2024
I am involved in a research project using Google Docs to compose a commentary that will be published open access on a platform that uses TEI XML. We have developed a simple mark up system so that the file can be processed through XSLT to the appropriate form of TEI XML used by the platform. We are facing a challenge with our Zotero references here. The bibliography needs to be embedded into the TEI XML header, and then we need to develop abbreviations to refer back to the bibliography (the references are in author-date format so within the text; there are no footnotes). Since the Google Doc is processed as plain text, the embedded information does not come across when the file is converted. I am now trying to think of a work around for this, and I am wondering if anyone has experience with either of the following:

(1) Somehow having XSLT "read" the Zotero items that are referenced in the file and generate the bibliographic data for the header as well as TEI XML references to these bibliographic items in the headers on the basis of the author-date references in the text;
(2) Exporting the Zotero items that are referenced within the file (there are more in the group account than those referenced in the file) in TEI XML format that can be copied and pasted into the Zotero header; then we could develop a mark up for the author-date references that would use the same abbreviations as the TEI XML bibliography in the header.

I would be grateful for advice on either point.
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