Bug (latest beta): Empty search box displays "Title, Creator, Year"
Empty search box displays "Title, Creator, Year" even when searching "All Fields & Tags" or "Everything."
Zotero 7.0.0-beta.85+c0c00a00e
Empty search box displays "Title, Creator, Year" even when searching "All Fields & Tags" or "Everything."
Zotero 7.0.0-beta.85+c0c00a00e
(We also always want a Report ID rather than just a version number.)
Looks like it's fixed in the latest beta (7.0.0-beta.89+49d3bae25); I just installed the beta this week so I didn't think it had already been updated, but I'll be more careful about that in the future.
And thanks for the reminder about the Report ID. Duly noted.