Publisher will not allow use of reference management software

Edward Elgar Publishing tells authors and has on their website: "Please do not use reference management software in your Word document (e.g. Zotero, EndNote or other referencing system)" Can you let me know what I can do, if I still want to use Zotero?
  • 1) Ignore that.

    2) When you're done citing using Zotero, make a copy of the document and use "Unlink Citations" to flatten all Zotero citations into plain text.

    3) Submit that version.
  • (And, of course, you'll want to look over the citations and bibliography entries to ensure that they're correct, but you would want to do that before submitting regardless of how you were generating the citations.)
  • That's a very poorly worded instruction from the publisher. If taken literally it would be turning away most of their potential authors for scholarly works. They should just say to submit a 'flattened' final document, or words to that effect. Most people should know to do that anyway. But I guess they get submissions from people who either don't bother or don't know how simple it is to do that.
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