[Zotero 7 Beta] "Rename File from Parent Metadata" doesn't appear to work

I downloaded a file from JSTOR in Safari using the Zotero Connector
It was named "JSTOR Full Text PDF"
Selecting the PDF in the Zotero Library and invoking the contextual menu, I choose "Rename File from Parent Metadata"
Nothing happens
  • edited June 14, 2024
    Makes absolutely no sense to me (and the justifications given there no longer hold for the most part). I'll leave my comment there, but please revert to the previous behavior.
  • "Makes absolutely no sense" is not a good start to having a productive conversation, FWIW. It might not work for you, in which case you can spend some time reading through the linked threads(!) and then make the case why the planned solutions won't work for your use cases, but you should assume that the design choices made are made for a reason and make sense to a good number of people.
  • I've perused the comments and find them at least as confusing as the distinction between Attachment Title and Attachment Name. As I observed, seeing "JSTOR Full Text PDF" is useless (and means nothing) to me. It's not a "title" -- to my mind, it's a *type* of file that also indicates provenance.

    I'm glad that there will be a pref to revert to the previous behavior.
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