Adding Zotero references from a Google Doc to a shared library

I'm working on a large Google Document with about 80 references, using Zotero as my reference manager. Now I'd like to collaborate on that document with some other people.

I just created a group library for this project, but I can't figure out an easy way to move those 80 references over to the group library. I see that I can drag and drop each one from the Zotero app on my desktop, but is there a way to move all 80 references over all at once?

Thanks for any advice!
  • Your collaborators will be able to work with the document which contains cited items from your library, and even cite them in other places when needed if using the default citation dialog.

    When you cite items with the Zotero plugin, it stores a link to the original item. When you update that item in Zotero the changes are also reflected in the document (after pressing Refresh). If you copy those items into a group library, note that the items in the group library will not be linked to that document, the ones in your personal library will be. To make them linked to the group library, you need to reinsert all of them into the document from the group library, which is probably not a feasible option.

    Regarding moving the cited items over to a group library, there currently isn't a way to do this easily (but we are working on one). If these items weren't in a single collection or similar, you will have to find them in Zotero manually.
  • @adomasven, thanks so much for your reply. I appreciate it!

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