all my files and plugins disappeared.

I don't know what happened, but when I logged out of my Zotero account, all my files and plugins disappeared. When I logged back into my Zotero account, I couldn't get them back. what can I do to get my account back to normal?please help me!!!
  • As I mentioned via email, you're at your file-storage quota, so additional files likely weren't being uploaded, which Zotero would've been warning you about on every sync. If you then logged out, chose to delete local data, and then logged back in, those files would no longer be available, because they were never on our servers.

    Not sure what you mean about plugins. Unlinking syncing wouldn't affect plugins.
  • As you said, when I logged out of my account, I accidentally checked the option "Remove my Zotero data from this computer", which caused all my data to be cleared. I would like to ask if there is a way to recover my Zotero data. In addition, I have tried a recovery method before, but it did not work.
  • edited June 14, 2024
    Your only options would be to 1) restore the 'storage' folder from a backup that you made yourself of your Zotero data directory or 2) re-download those files manually.

    To be clear, this should only be about your attachment files. Your data is still in the online library, so you would just need to sync to have that all locally again.
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