[Zotero 7 beta] Error: Could not remove the non-empty directory

edited June 17, 2024
Report ID: 1124150547

When I open Zotero I get this error. I'm not sure what's causing it.

[additional errors removed — D.S.]

[JavaScript Error: "Download request 1/PFVYMAPF failed"]

[JavaScript Error: "Could not remove the non-empty directory at [redacted].
Specify the `recursive: true` option to mitigate this error"]

appName => Zotero, version => 7.0.0-beta.84+71f83c0a3, os => Windows 10.0 19045, locale => en-US, extensions => OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems, Inc. (, plugin), Widevine Content Decryption Module provided by Google Inc. (4.10.2710.0, plugin)
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