Zotero Beta: Accessibility of Feeds area


in Zotero 7 beta, I am not able to hear the headings of the articles appearing in my RSS feds, NVDA won't say anything.

Could you please take a look at this? Thank you.
  • What do you mean by "headings"? The titles of the feed entries, or something else? And do you mean when you move down the items list?
  • Here is what I do in Zotero 6:
    1. Press alt+ctrl+l to go to the treeview containing the library, collections and feeds.
    2. Press the end key to go to the bottom feed.
    3. Press tab once and land in the list of articles of the selected feed. NVDA will read the title of the article at the top of the list.
    4. Moving up and down the list using the arrow keys up and down, NVDA will read the titles of the articles in the feed.

    Steps 3-4 don't work in Zotero beta 7. I know the interface has changed and I might have to press the tab key a few more times to go to the list of items in the feed. I can press tab twice and get feedback from NVDA telling me the focused element. When I press tab a third time, it doesn't say anything, pressing the arrow keys doesn't give any feedback. Pressing tab subsequently also doesn't give any feedback.

    I hope this is more helpful.
    Thank you.
  • Ah, OK, tabbing from a feed row gets stuck on the search bar. We'll fix — thanks.
  • @SunDial: We've fixed this in the latest beta.
  • Thank you @dstillman, works well for me.

    I noticed another accessibility problem concerning feeds: When adding a new feed and navigating the dialogue using the tab key, I don't se the button to activate advanced options for the feed I'm adding.
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