Does anyone have an IPad Pro only solution with Zotero

Hey everyone,

I'm just wondering if anyone has come across a solution to using Zotero with in-text citations on a word processor for iPad Pro's? I love reading and annotating papers and handwriting research notes with the pencil on my iPad, but my back got sick of toting around an iPad Pro and a MacBook Pro all day long in my pack, so I'm trying to use an iPad-only setup—even though the browser and multitasking implementation are terrible. I've switched to Surface Pro 9 for now, but honestly, I forgot how flaky Windows can be, (such as handwriting with the pen in text fields suddenly not working without a reboot) and really, the Surface is just a bad laptop combined with a not-great tablet and the battery life that just sucks compared to the Mac or iPad, but it does at least give me what I need - just with loads of irritating irks and quirks!

Just wondering if my needs are really niche or has anyone else found a solution?
  • edited June 8, 2024
    Virtually all word processor integrations for Zotero rely on the local desktop app. The only exception I can think of that relies only on the server API and will thus work on the iPad is the (paid) overleaf integration
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