[Android] Restricted scaling in PDF viewer

First, thank you so much for developing the new Android App and providing it as Beta. Using it on my Tablet (Galaxy Tab S8) I am facing an issue with resticted scaling of PDF files in the reader. Unfortunately, it is not possible to reduce the page size below the screen width, even if the sidebar is visible. For some of my files, this leads to the problem, that no complete line of text is visible. It would be great, if one could reduce the page size at least to the width of viewport, ideally even further, for example to view a complete page in landscape mode.
  • @mniestroj: I am another user testing the app. Have you tried to set the Page Fitting option to 'Fill' ?
  • You're right, this helps. I assumed fill does not allow scaling at all but always fills the page. Actually today it even worked to scale the page to the viewport width (but not below as it does in 'Fill' mode) in 'Fit' mode, don't know what went wrong last time I tried.
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