[Z7 Beta] Random (?) sentences in the outline view
Hi all,
when working with this PDF (https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9781400856626.159/html), I've noticed that Zotero shows an outline as available, which was already a surprise because Firefox doesn't show an outline for this document.
Apparently there is some automatic outline detection happening (which would be a great feature) that in this case is not very helpful; it just shows some apparently random sentences in the outline view:
when working with this PDF (https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9781400856626.159/html), I've noticed that Zotero shows an outline as available, which was already a surprise because Firefox doesn't show an outline for this document.
Apparently there is some automatic outline detection happening (which would be a great feature) that in this case is not very helpful; it just shows some apparently random sentences in the outline view:
Is it helpful to you if I report all the problems I'm seeing with this feature?
In this book (http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-322-80378-8), the extraction just extracts the book's title:
In this text (https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/index.php?doi=10.5771/0023-5652-2015-182-78) it just extracts the first sentence and the title:
In another scanned and OCRed book, it just recognizes part of the heading of one chapter title:
The detected outline:
In this case, I had removed the first page of the PDF file before generating the outline to obtain this results.
If I keep the first page, here is the result:
Zotero 7.0.0-beta.85+c0c00a00e (64-bit)
Windows 10
Note that it is working nicely in some cases, so it is really useful to have this feature, even if only partially working.
Zotero 7.0.0-beta.85+c0c00a00e (64-bit)
Windows 10
I have sent them to support@zotero.org.
It is extracting some useful bookmarks, but the structure is not recognized:
Zotero 7.0.0-beta.87+f59a4da7f (64-bit)
Windows 10
Maybe it is because I quite often work with OCRed texts, but so far the outline detection feature has rarely been successful for me.