[BUG} importing PDFs with non-ascii characters doesn't work properly.

When I try to import pdfs with diacritics in their title or anywhere in the metadata, Zotero saves it wrong and just puts the diacritics next to the letter ex. "Atualização" becomes "Atualizac¸a~o".
  • How exactly are you importing? Is this from a local file or from the web? If the latter, please provide a URL.

    Can you also provide a Debug ID for reproducing this?
  • I'm importing from a local file, by dragging and dropping from the Desktop to Zotero.

    Debug ID: D468602611

  • Can you email the PDF in question to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread?

    It's actually importing the file fine, but Zotero is extracting some basic metadata from the PDF itself (hence the "Library Catalog: Zotero"), and the encoding for that is getting messed up for some reason.
  • Email sent. I've also noticed the same problem happens when quoting highlighted text in a note.
  • This is a problem with the PDF file, and even if you try to copy the text using Acrobat Reader, you will get the same result.

    However, in future Zotero versions, we plan to recombine these accents with the letters.
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