i'm using MAC Sonoma 14 and recently and for no apparent reason Zotero is running super slow. When I cite on a word document it takes time to upload the citation.
Any tips to fix this problem?
Thank you
  • Make sure you're running the latest version of Word for Mac. A recent version was very slow, but that's been fixed.

    If you're still having trouble, please provide more info, including the exact versions of macOS, Zotero, and Word.
  • Thank you for your recommendation, I think I have the latest version of WORD MAC Version 16.85.2 (24052614) and running it with Sonoma 14.5 and I'm still having trouble...
    Please let me know! thank you very much
  • It's really frustating... it takes up to 30 seconds to upload a citation....
  • By "upload a citation" you mean using Add/Edit Citation to insert a citation into the document?

    Is it fast in a new, empty document? If so, and your existing document is large, make sure you've disabled "Automatically update citations" in the plugin's Document Preferences window.

    If it's still slow after that, 1) how big is the document and 2) can you provide a Debug ID for reproducing this?
  • edited June 6, 2024
    By "upload a citation" you mean using Add/Edit Citation to insert a citation into the document? YES

    Is it fast in a new, empty document? YES

    If so, and your existing document is large, make sure you've disabled "Automatically update citations" in the plugin's Document Preferences window.

    If it's still slow after that, YES, IT'S STILL SLOW
    1) how big is the document 1,7MB
    and 2) can you provide a Debug ID for reproducing this?

    [unrelated error output removed — D.S.]
  • How big as in how many citations/pages are we talking about?

    We need a Debug ID. Follow the link for instructions.
  • Just submitted the Debug, I hope that's what you require. So far the document is 159 pages, but will probably go to 500 (thesis) and I have around 700 references in my library
  • No, we need the Debug ID. It's a number that you post here.
  • D1586526928
  • And now, for some reason the citations are underlined with a dashed line
  • That's how it works when "Automatically updated citations" is disabled:

    We'll look into the speed.
  • Great thanks.
  • Do you have citations in footnotes? Did you work on this document on this computer before and did citing work faster? It's not very fast, but neither is it exceptionally slow given the fairly large number of citations in your document, and with "Automatically update citations" disabled it should be faster on subsequent runs.
  • I do have citations in footnotes.
    The citing work was faster before on the same computer but of course I've been adding material also.
  • I'm afraid there's little we can do. You have quite a large document, and a combination of Word for Mac, citation style with footnotes and a slightly older mac can make Zotero integration quite slow. However, disabling automatic citation updates is likely going to help.
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