Sort by date using notes?

Is there any way to sort entries by the date that a child-note was added or modified? Thus, although "parent entry A" was created before "parent entry B," B would show up first because its child note was the most recently created (or modified) item.

Thank you.
  • No, sorry.
  • edited June 4, 2024
    @yoelkahn: Though you could create a saved search for [Item Type] [is] [Note] and [Date Modified] [is in the last] [x] days. Not quite the same thing, but that will show you recently edited notes.
  • @dstillman Thank you! This worked great and is endlessly modifiable using before/after dates to create specific date ranges. This will prove very helpful.
  • edited yesterday at 1:27am
    As there appears to be neither advanced search nor saved search in iOS, I developed a workaround and am posting it here as such until a more suitable solution is offered: Use the Publisher field as a makeshift date field.

    N.B. This involves some tradeoffs: 1) It is tedious to set up (~ 1 hr per 250 items) and 2) One loses some cite info in the process (so, obviously don't do this if that matters to you); 3) This effectively replaces the functionality of 'Date modified' (and so renders that redundant/useless).

    For each item:
    1) In MacOS (presumably similarly on other desktop platforms), for any 'Item type' that does not include 'Publisher' info, change to one that does, e.g., Conference Paper.
    2) Enter a date in the Publisher field in yyyymmdd format. (Suggest: If you don't know when you last annotated the item, set Publisher to Date Added or Date Accessed or best guess.)

    After completing the setup:
    3) Sort on the Publisher field in Descending order in iOS (or other mobile) or MacOS so that the most recently annotated items will be at the top.
    4) Update the date (in iOS or MacOS) whenever you further annotate an item.
    5) For any further additions to the library, do #1 and #2 above.


    P.S. If anyone has any better ideas, post here.
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