Cannot add annotation after upgrading the newest beta version
Hello guys~ Today after upgrading the newest beta version(7.0.0-beta.82+79fa160e4), I find that I cannot highlight new text in some papers which previous can be done without any problem. It' strange that I can change the color of my old highlight annotation but just cannot highlight new ones. I cannot even select any text in the paper, but I can still use "Find in document" function and the zotero highlight what I search for in the paper. Does somebody meet the same problem as mine?
(In the pic, the highlight texts is the one I did before upgrading).
(In the pic, the highlight texts is the one I did before upgrading).
martynas_bPlease send the example PDF file to with a link to this thread.
Ricardo RiosI have the same problem with the same beta version (7.0.0-beta.82+79fa160e4).