Zotero 2 won't show up in Open Office

Hi. Since I've upgraded my zotero and the Open Office extension, it doesn't show up anymore in the toolbar.I've tried several times to re-install the extensions without success. I have the same issue on my work computer (windows based) and on my linux at home. Very frustrating !!!
Any suggestions ?
  • have you tried to "re-install Ooo components" from
    Tools->Add-ons->Extensions->Zotero Ooo integration ->Preferences?
    Which Ooo and FF versions?
  • Yes I did, it says extension re-installed successfully, but it still doesn't show up when starting Ooo. Thanks though !
    For Ooo I use the 3.2 - I've just upgraded it, when I was using 3.1 the problem was the same, if not worse at Ooo couldn't recognise Zotero extension status. With 3.2 the extension is recognised and appears properly in Tools->manage extension.
    As regards FF, I have 3.5
    Is all that too new ?
  • no, that should work, it's a pretty standard set-up, too.
    If you go to
    View--> Toolbars in Ooo you don't see Zotero in the list?
  • Thanks, it reappeared with the upgrade !
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