Save report with DOI and ISBN

I would like to save this document into Zotero:

The appropriate document type seems to me to be "Report".

The document has a DOI and ISBN associated with it, which I saved in the "DOI" and "ISSN" fields respectively.

However the Zotero Connector for Firefox imports it as "Journal Article", and if I try to change the type to report a message box warns me that DOI and ISBN will be lost.

What is the correct way to save this document?
  • So I'd import this via the Add by Identifier button in Zotero, using either the ISBN or the DOI. Both will save this as a book, which I think is correct (it has an ISBN, after all) Neither of those will save the DOI, actually, but I think we should be able to fix that for the DOI example (the ISBN metadata doesn't have the DOI, unfortunately).
    Note that the DOI will currently be saved as DOI: 10.2867/382711 in the Extra field. That's correct and will get picked up by citation styles.
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