Long delay "Loading Cited Items..." for specific document

I have used Zotero with the Word plugin on macOS successfully for years. Citing in Word has been fairly fast and convenient.

However, on my current document, it takes a long time to interact with the Add Citation dialog. For example, it takes about 10 seconds for "Loading Cited Items..." to finish, and there is lag after every character input.

This document only has 8000 words and 50 citations so far. I have much better performance with other documents, some of which are larger.

I think there is a problem specific to this Word document, or to the shared group library that I we are using with this document. Does anyone have advice for troubleshooting this situation? Thanks.
  • edited June 5, 2024
    That thread suggests the problem is specific to Word version 16.85. Assuming that's true, I have a separate issue.

    I am still using Word version 16.78 since it was released in October 2023. (I cannot update Word because of my workplace IT situation.)
  • An update 2 weeks later:

    The delay before I can reference an already-referenced item increased greatly. I've given up after it hangs for 15 minutes.

    The problem is now the same for all Word documents, including when I open an old document that used to function properly and has not been edited since.

    I have also discovered a sort of solution to the situation:
    If I click the red "Z" in the Add/Edit Citation popup, and switch to the "Classic View", everything works reasonably. Classic View has only about 1 second of lag when searching or adding the citation.

    I would appreciate any suggestions for troubleshooting the regular view.
  • Could you provide a Debug ID for an attempt to cite with the default citation dialog?
  • Thank you very much for the suggestion.

    After following the linked instructions to start zotero with logging enabled, my problem has disappeared! I can now use the default citation dialog.

    Before this, I had tried closing all zotero windows and restarting my computer a number of times, without success.

    It's a surprising, Schrödinger-y solution... if the problem reoccurs, I will post here again.
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