PubMed: nbib vs browser icon Case type vs Article type (inconsistent import)

edited 25 days ago

When the record is imported as one of many in an nbib file it appears as a Case type without a journal name but when individually imported via the Zotero browser icon it arrives as a journal article.

This isn't a one time problem but will always happen when the nbib PT also includes "Legal Case" in addition to "Journal Article".

I think that the correct citation type should be journal article. Shouldn't the Case type be reserved for something else? Should this be CSL legal_case even though it is listed that way only as a second tag? The bibliographic information is more complete with the Article type (see below). Indeed, if the dual purpose of a citation is attribution and findability, the Case type provides neither. In any event, I want my Zotero record to be the Article type and when I do an nbib import and see the Case type, I must edit the record (or re-import via the browser icon) to make it contain all needed metadata.

PMID 38771714

nbib content:

PMID- 38771714
DCOM- 20240521
LR - 20240521
IS - 8756-8160 (Print)
IS - 8756-8160 (Linking)
VI - 39
IP - 1
DP - 2024 Spring
TI - In Vitro Fertilization, State Wrongful Death Statutes and State Fetal Homicide
Statutes: The Reaction to LePage v. Center for Reproductive Medicine.
PG - 50-65
[cut AB, CI, FAU, AU, and AD tags]
LA - eng
PT - Journal Article
PT - Legal Case

PL - United States
TA - Issues Law Med
JT - Issues in law & medicine
JID - 8511295

APA citation as Case
In Vitro Fertilization, State Wrongful Death Statutes and State Fetal Homicide Statutes: The Reaction to LePage v. Center for Reproductive Medicine. (Spring 2024).
[author name, journal name, volume and pagination are missing]

APA citation as Article
Linton, P. B. (2024). In Vitro Fertilization, State Wrongful Death Statutes and State Fetal Homicide Statutes: The Reaction to LePage v. Center for Reproductive Medicine. Issues in Law & Medicine, 39(1), 50–65.

Vancouver citation as Case
1. Linton PB. In Vitro Fertilization, State Wrongful Death Statutes and State Fetal Homicide Statutes: The Reaction to LePage v. Center for Reproductive Medicine. Vol. 39. 2024. p. 50–65.
[journal name missing]

Vancouver citation as Article
1. Linton PB. In Vitro Fertilization, State Wrongful Death Statutes and State Fetal Homicide Statutes: The Reaction to LePage v. Center for Reproductive Medicine. Issues Law Med. 2024;39(1):50–65.

Is this something that can be resolved by changes to rendering of the CSL style? I'd rather it be handled upon import.

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