Zotero beta: Tab order and behavior in right-hand panel

I'm not sure this is new as of the 38 version of the beta and also not sure if there's some intention behind it, but the tab order of the right-hand panel, in particular the authors, (testing on Windows) is weird:

If I start with an item selected in the middle panel 4 tabs get my to the Item Type selector, and then the next types to Title, but the next tab then jumps over the creators.

I can get to the creators either by: shift+tab on the selecte title field (which is weird because title is above the creators) or by shift+tab on the Publication field (which is expected, but weird because it's not reversible: once I am in the creators fields, tab gets me to Title.
Moreover, with both methods, I start with the last author, which is unexpected especially coming from Title.

I can also get to the _first_ creator label using arrow keys from title, but I see no way to get to the other creator labels from there.
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