PDF will not save to Zotero

New user needing help with the following problem:
The webpage with a PDF will not save to Zotero on a Mac

The Zotero application, Connection and translation are up to date. Just loaded
The Browser Icon is try to save to "Zotero (PDF)"
The Save dialog box has the following message"
An error occurred while saving this item. Try again, and if the issue persists see Getting Help for more information.

I have attempted all the suggestions on getting help?
  • That site is using some anti-bot protections that are preventing Zotero from being able to download the file.

    We're going to look into changing how Zotero downloads attachment files to see if we can avoid situations like this.

    For now, you'll need to download the file to disk and drag it to Zotero.
  • Thanks that helps a lot
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