Cannot add bibliography
Hi, I'm working on my thesis and I am trying to upload the final bibliography. The thesis is long, about 300 pages, with a lot of references. When I press "add bibliography" nothing happens. Can you please advise?
and then
a) make sure that your citations do show up with field codes that say something like ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID" ...
b) find a bit that says ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL and delete that.
Assuming a looks correctly, try inserting the bibliography again.
Also, if you did assemble the thesis from multiple chapters, make sure there's a citation style set in the document by using "Set Document Preferences"
I have tried pasting the whole thing into a new document and that seemed to have worked! Thank you for the assistance. If I change references in Zotero, will they automatically update in the footnotes as well? I need to change how I have referenced my interviews. Instead of doing this manually, one by one, can I change them all in Zotero and ask the document to update the footnotes in word?
For instance, instead of writing Interview 40, Farmer, Norway, 2024. I want to write, Interview 40, Farmer, 2024.