Partial Cites with Chicago Note, Taking Forever to Update

I’m using the latest version of Zotero with Google Docs for a 250 page manuscript with 550-ish notes. The publisher asked for CMS 17, which seems to go fine; however, there are several cases in which a note has complete information two notes in a row and other situations where a note only includes the author and short title when it first appears.

For example, there’s a sequence like this:

2. Smith, Book, Publisher, Year, page
3. Smith, Book, Publisher, Year, page

Where 3. Should just be “Smith, short title, page”

Later, there are a few references like

8. Jones, short title
9. Jackson, short title

Even though they’re the first time Jones and Jackson are mentioned.

Any suggestions?
  • Google docs integration just isn't really viable for book length manuscripts I'm afraid
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