Reader to support DRM

Quite a remarkable portion of the material I need to read for my research are e-books loaned from libraries and all of those are DRM protected. Therefore I cannot utilize Zotero Reader in any way, which breaks my workflow.
Would it be possible to consider adding Adobe and/or LCP DRM support to Reader? The latter one ( is a open source and seems to be spreading quite fast among libraries around the world.
  • Both Adobe and Readium LCP DRM are nonstarters for us. LCP would be possible if it were actually open source and available without restrictions, but it's not. From the FAQ:
    Is Readium LCP open-source?
    [...] Trusted organizations who wish to use LCP to protect their content or access to protected content need to obtain from EDRLab some confidential information and a small binary corresponding to the “production” profile introduced above, and integrate this closed software into their reading application. This procedure is key to avoiding the open-source software being used for hacking LCP-protected publications. [...]

    Is Readium LCP available for Web applications?
    [...] Web applications do not provide ways to avoid developers having access to their code. Developers can obfuscate information in a Web application and make it harder to find, but it is not possible to include in a Web application a real DRM solution, using secrets concealed in precompiled libraries. [...]
    Zotero is open-source software and is a web application at its core. I do really wish we could support library ebooks, but we can't support closed DRM.
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