Tags export in Json

Dear All,
I noticed that I can keep the tags if I export my bibliography in TEI, but I did not find the way to keep the tags if I do the export in Json.
Is there a solution?
Many thanks in advance
  • edited April 29, 2024
    You mean "CSL JSON"? That's a format that was created for citations, so tags aren't relevant.

    You can get tags from the JSON provided by the web API.

    If you say exactly what you're trying to do, we might be able to suggest other options.
  • Dear dstillman,
    many thanks for your comment.
    This is what I'm trying to do: regularly exporting a collection to be used within my web project as live link from individual records. The IT I am working with has a preference for Json format and told me that if we could use the tag to quote each record, than we could create live links from each record towards the complete citation to be found in a Zotero Library (shared within a Zotero Group, that I still have to create). This is an alternative proposal to my original idea (very simple indeed)of creating bibliographies (to be regularly updated) to add to the website, much more simple and ineffective.
    I hope I provided helpful detail
    Many thanks in advance
  • edited April 29, 2024
    There's no built-in way to get API JSON from the desktop app currently, but you can select items and run this from Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript:

    ZoteroPane.getSelectedItems().map(x => x.toJSON())

    But if this is a web project, just using the web API, which can provide both bibliographic output and JSON, may be a better solution.
  • I'd second the recommendation for the API. For local export, the BBT add-on (https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-better-bibtex ) also comes with several additional JSON export formats, some of which include full data including tags.
  • edited May 5, 2024
    That's specifically the BetterBibTeX JSON format, which is essentially a dump of the internal item model of Zotero. The other JSON format is Better CSL JSON, but that drops a fair bit of information (specifically, anything not required for rendering your bibliography).
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