After editing custom CSL Styles: what to do to merge pull request?

Dear zotero community,

about a month ago, I updated the citation style of our journal sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung and made some minor changes.

I followed the guidelines for editing and submitting CSL styles:

After validating the style, I created a pull request. The updates passed all tests run by the csl-bot. You can see the current status here:

Four weeks have passed since the tests. I wonder what happens next? Because I really need to merge the pull request back into the main branch since our csl files contained some errors.

The guide to submitting CSL styles, at the end of section 4, states the following:

"Once we are satisfied, we will merge your pull request. This can take days or weeks, depending on how busy we are, and on how much back and forth is needed to get your style in acceptable shape."

So do I simply have to wait until zotero is getting in touch with me? Or do I need to do something to make the next step happen?

Kind regards,
  • Note that CSL is a separate project from Zotero. You can politely ask for an update there, but otherwise, yes, you'll need to wait for one of the maintainers to review it.
  • edited 12 days ago
    If you look at the Pull Requests you'll see the backlog goes back quite a lot of months. My oldest open PR is from September 2023. You'll just need to be patient, I'm afraid as we're just doing this voluntarily, and separate from the Zotero project.
  • Hi dstillman and damnation, thanks for the clarification! I don't want to push or rush anyone. I was just unsure of how the procedures work, as this was my first change to our Zotero citation style. So I'll just wait.
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