Style repository pull request

Hello everyone,
Several years ago, I created the Zotero style for the journal I edit: Gallia Préhistoire. Our bibliographic standards have changed recently, so I've been working on this style again to bring it up to date. I've followed the whole repository style procedure and I'm waiting for an authorised person to merge my pull request so that the update can finally be made available to authors (update gallia-prehistoire.csl #6977). So far so good, except that I've been waiting for a month now and nothing has happened! How can I get someone to finally validate these changes?
I'm well aware that all this is being done on a voluntary basis, but you'll understand that this is starting to take a really long time!
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me on this subject,
Thomas Perrin
  • I appreciate that you're impatient for this to get merged and we'll do our best (I try to merge updates fairly quickly) but posting this to every place you can think of is neither kind nor helpful.

  • It's not at all my intention to be unpleasant or anything, just to find out if this delay is normal or if I've omitted to do something, nothing else. As for posting it here, it's simply in the hope of getting an answer to my questions, which I'm not getting elsewhere...
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