could zotero edit PDFs like Okular?

could zotero edit PDFs like Okular?
zotero and okular both opensourse,
I think we could partly use the Okular code.
  • edited 10 days ago
    Software doesn't work like that. Zotero and Okular have nothing to do with one another on a technical level.

    I don't know what you mean by "edit PDFs like Okular", but Zotero has lots of annotation features, with many more coming in Zotero 7. If there are features you'd like to see, just ask for them without trying to get into nonsensical technical discussions.
  • edited 10 days ago
    Okular is based on a completely different technology (C++ language + KDE/Qt libraries vs. Javascript + Firefox for Zotero), it feels extremely difficult to re-use its code in Zotero.

    But I suppose you could open the PDF file in Okular (or another tool of your choice) after locating its directory?
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