Inquiry about missing abstract when importing from Zotero to Covidence

I have encountered an issue when exporting papers from Zotero to Covidence. Some papers, which already have abstracts in Zotero, are missing their abstracts in Covidence. I contacted Covidence support, and after several emails, they informed me that the issue is not related to Covidence, and suggested that I reach out to the Zotero support team. Could you please assist me with this matter?
  • What format are you using for export to Covidence and have you looked at the export in a text editor? That would tell you what Zotero exports. I'm not aware of any export format that would treat abstracts inconsistently, so something about this doesn't quite track. Id suspect the items don't actually have abstracts in Zotero, but see above for actually figuring this out
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