APA 7th edition format wrong

For some reason, despite that my Word is set at APA 7th edition in the zotero setting of Word, I'm getting something different than actual APA style. It's now including the first names of authors and the year at the end of the citation, rather than near the beginning. Do you know of anyone in the library who can resolve this mystery?

Initially, it worked fine with an older file from 2019. But since 2023, I'm getting this:

Buehner, Marc J., and Gruffydd R. Humphreys. “Causal Contraction: Spatial Binding in the Perception of Collision Events.” Psychological Science 21, no. 1 (2010): 44–48. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797609354735.

Rather than this (from my older file).This is the correct APA 7th edition style.

Wellman, H. M., Phillips, A. T., & Rodriguez, T. (2000). Young children’s understanding of perception, desire, and emotion. Child Development, 71(4), 895–912. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8624.00198

Thanks! Much appreciated.
  • Could you post a screenshot of the Zotero Document preferences for the Word file that's producing the above citation? I don't think there's anyway Zotero's APA style can produce something that looks anything like this.
    Might be a bug that somehow selects a different style, but much more likely you either have a different style selected or have selected it in the wrong place.
  • hi, thank you for the reply.

    I tried taking a screenshot of my Word with the APA 7th selection on, but it wouldn't work in taking a screenshot.

    My zotero function in Word has 7th apa selected. That's all the information there is. Any ideas?

  • https://s3.amazonaws.com/zotero.org/images/forums/u6259387/07kqgtvo7uqh9ah7c2x2.png

    That's the only information I got from my screenshot. I'm not sure this helps. thanks again.
  • edited April 18, 2024
    If you delete the bibliography in the document completely and reinsert it using the Add/Edit Bibliography button, do you get the same output?
  • hi, I usually use cut and paste rather than the add/edit button (in Word?). Does it make a difference? thanks for your help! much appreciated.
  • What do you mean cut and paste? If you mean using quick copy, what'd matter is the default ouput format in Zotero under "Export", not the one in the Word preferences (which interacts with Zotero's Word add-on which you then wouldn't be using at all)
  • hi, just to make sure I understand what you're saying. What I do is that I drag the article from zotero and just plop it into my Word file.

    Are you saying I should go to export under 'file' and do something? I'm not very adept at using zotero, so would you please be very specific? I appreciate your advice. Thank you!
  • No, what I'm saying is that the citation style for drag&drop (aka "quick copy") is set in the "Export" tab of the Zotero preferences. You almost certainly have something other than APA 7 set there.
  • hi, I tried what you said, went to preferences, then export, and changed to APA 7.0. But now I can't drag and drop anything out of zotero. What do you suggest? Thanks.

  • hello again, there's been some progress. I changed apa 7.0 to apa with numeric and brackets. NOW, I'm getting correct APA style, but with the reference numbered. (I can easily get rid of the number.)
    So, it won't let me drop and drag with APA 7.0 but it will with APA 7.0 with numeric and date. Should I just quite while I'm ahead? thanks again. :)
  • Can you explain what you mean by "So, it won't let me drop and drag with APA 7.0"?
  • hi, when I set the preference to APA 7.0, I can't take the citation from Zotero with my mouse and drag it to Word. Nothing is transferred.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID for that?

    (Also note that, while this should obviously work, this isn’t how Zotero is generally meant to be used in Word and has nothing to do with the Document Preferences window you showed earlier. That’s why people were confused here.)
  • What is a debug ID? thanks.
  • (the red words "debug ID" in dstillman's post are a link to instructions)
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