Z7 beta Title field : Right click options

edited 24 days ago
I'm on a Mac Sonoma 14.4.1 (23E224). After updating to 70 when I right click on a title to change case there are new options below the title and sentence case items. "Services" (and sometimes "Autofill") can appear in the list. Also sometimes other commands appear. This seemed to be fixed in earlier versions. Was a choice to offer a richer list of options made? I thought that with the last beta version the right-click options were limited (eliminating undo, redo, delete) after I made a forum post:


Is there a possibility that you will consider an advanced settings control that will limit what choices are available. I find it disconcerting to have different items on the right-click list of options with each journal article title. Especially so because I cannot identify a pattern that leads to the triggering different number of options.

edit: I updated to B7(72) and the problem continues.

What is the purpose of AutoFill: Contact / Passwords in the context of the title field?
I am further puzzled by the list of options under Services:
Add to Music as a spoken track
Convert text to local time
Open main page in Terminal
... and 5 or 6 other options equally irrelevant to Zotero

Is there some utterly bizarre that has occurred with my Mac?

I notice that the Autofill option occurs if I have a title with proper nouns, I copy the nouns to the clipboard, and right click to convert the title case title to sentence case before pasting the copied proper nouns back to the title.
  • It's just a bug — the latest beta is based on a newer version of Firefox that is adding those system options. We're working on removing them.
  • This is fixed in beta 76. (These menus will still appear for input fields, as they do in other Mac apps.)
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