PDFs do not open

edited April 10, 2024
If I double-click on a file it opens in a new tab, but the file isn't shown, it only says "loading..." (german: "lade..."). If I try to open it in a new window, it is also empty. This does not apply to every document, but to most of them. I use zotero on mac (6.0.37) Does anyone know how to fix it?


  • Wait, this is Zotero 6. You posted to a thread about the Zotero 7 beta — that's why people were confused.

    Can you close all tabs and provide a Debug ID for Zotero startup through opening a tab where this happens, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option?
  • Yes, sorry, I did not pay attention and just started using zotero. Here is the Debug ID: D308565304
  • Unix error 1 during operation open on file /Users/[…]/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~md~obsidian/Documents/[…]/PDFs/[…].pdf (Operation not permitted)
    It looks like you're using linked files in iCloud Drive, and you're getting some odd generic error ("Operation not permitted"). We've seen this at least once before, though not in iCloud Drive, and in that case it seemed to be about a macOS security flag after transferring files with Migration Assistant.

    If you're not using the latest version of macOS, I'd recommend upgrading. You can also try opening the file outside of Zotero once, or you could try with the Zotero 7 beta. That's about all we can suggest. We don't provide support for linked-file setups, so this isn't something we can help with otherwise.
  • Ok, thank you, it works with the beta version! I don't know why the files are linked to iCloud, i just drop them in the library. Do you know how to change that?
  • edited April 10, 2024
    You'd have to have set up a plugin (ZotFile in Zotero 6) that's creating linked files. Zotero never stores linked files on its own unless you specifically choose that when you add each file.

    You can use Tools → Manage Attachments → Convert Linked Files to Stored Files if you don't want to use linked files.

  • Ah ok, maybe that's what I downloaded for Obsidian. Thanks for your help!
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