can't add no more citation

HI! when I try to insert a citation as soon as I press "add citation" I get the message "the highlighted citation is no longer present in the Zotero database. Do you want to select a replacement element? Selecting "no" will delete the identification field for the citation that contains this element, keeping the text of the quotation unchanged but eliminating it from the bibliography". Pressing yes or no doesn't let me insert any more quotes. How can I do?
  • Submit a Report ID. Is this a new document or some old document you are resuming work on?
  • it is a document to which I have already added about 80 citations. It worked until yesterday
  • We can't help you further without a Report ID.
  • 108873137 this is the report ID
  • You will need to follow the Troubleshooting Errors in Word Processor Documents instructions. It would be best if you could isolate a small snippet in your document where the issue is reproducible and send it to
  • edited 22 days ago
    @RacheleFavaretto You have corrupt citations in headlines 1.4.1 and 1.4.2. You will have to remove and reinsert them. It seems that there is a bug in Word for Mac that corrupts Zotero fields if you set a paragraph style that uses the All Caps option (your Heading 3 style). We will fix it in the future, but for now, be careful when setting that style option on text which has Zotero citations.
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