Printing prompt periodically pops up for one or of my PDFs when I am switching between PDFs
I don't know why the pop up prompt that lets me know that a documenting is preparing to print whenever I am working on PDFs and switching between them. It is not often but it happens enough to a distraction. Anyone one know why the preparing to print action would prompt and pop up randomly on a PDF that is a part of my open tabs?
this prompt pops up more often than I like... and I am not even activating the print option, it just pops up as you see in the screenshot. here is the report ID 1704796369
As pointed out in this forum, I opend the PDF in notepad and I deleted the line that goes like
/JS (this.print\({bUI:true,bSilent:false,bShrinkToFit:true}\);)
saved the file and checked. I dont get the pop up again.
If you are trying this as well, make sure you make a copy of the file