Accessibility problems in Zotero 7 beta

  • Hi.

    I'm totally blind and use both the Zotero app on IOS and Windows version with JAWS screenreader. I've downloaded the 7 beta version and I'm not sure what has happened but it now seems a little less accessible to me? First, navigating through the items in my various collections is clunkier. For instance, JAWS is not reading all the fields properly when I tab to them. If I try to use th arrow keys to read through the title or author fields Jaws just reports "blank". This didn't use to happen. It means that I'm completely unalbe to edit the different fields.

    Using the up and down arrows to scroll through the items list is also problematic. Jaws doesn't consistently read out the items. Rather it will read the field headings. I've tried changing the density mode to "condensed" to see if that helps but it hasn't.

    Finally, I was really looking forward to the cite function working in Word. However, when I click on "add/edit citation" under the zotero tab in Word, Jaws just opens the document preferences fields instead of the citation dialogue. In fact, it opens that document preferences tab if I click on "add note" as well. I've tried reinstalling the Word plugin to no avail.
  • It sounds like this is mostly about accessibility in other parts of Zotero, not the new citation dialog, so I've moved this to a new thread.

    Accessibility in Zotero 7 should be improved throughout the app, though I believe we've done the least testing with JAWS, so someone will need to take a look at that.
    However, when I click on "add/edit citation" under the zotero tab in Word, Jaws just opens the document preferences fields instead of the citation dialogue
    That's how word processor integration works. In a new document, it shows the Document Preferences window the first time you use of the options so that you can choose a citation style. Once you've done that, it will show the citation dialog.
  • @Enth8406: The latest beta should work better with JAWS. (JAWS has some special behavior for Firefox, on which Zotero is based, and wasn't recognizing Zotero windows.) We're still working on improving JAWS compatibility in some dialog boxes.
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