batch pdf export
1. how to increase the efficacy of automated pdf retrieval? I am a member of the University and have vast access.
2. how to set up some pdfs in one folder (not individual pdf in a single folder). It is a pain to upload it to the systematic review system one-by-one.
background info: I am conducting a systematic review. I added RIS files of full test screens to retrieve pdfs. Only 13/40 were found. I "exported items" with files attached:
Many thanks for your consideration.
2. how to set up some pdfs in one folder (not individual pdf in a single folder). It is a pain to upload it to the systematic review system one-by-one.
background info: I am conducting a systematic review. I added RIS files of full test screens to retrieve pdfs. Only 13/40 were found. I "exported items" with files attached:
Many thanks for your consideration.