My CV disappeared!

I just used Zotero's CV editor to update my CV online, and all of its content seems to have disappeared. The headings remain intact, but everything else is gone. When I clicked "Save C.V.," a message came up saying that my changes were successful, but nothing was there. Any ideas about what I might have done wrong here? I'm out of file storage and I cut and pasted from a text file to make the updates. Might these things have caused this issue?

Any suggestions on restoring my CV or avoiding this in the future will be much appreciated! Thank you!
  • The file storage is not connected.
    What program did you copy the text from?
    What browser and operating system are you using?
    Are you able to reproduce it?
  • Thanks for replying!

    What program did you copy the text from?
    - Microsoft Word
    What browser and operating system are you using?
    - Firefox, Mac OS 10.5.8
    Are you able to reproduce it?
    - I'm not sure what you mean--the CV text?
  • "Reproduce it" means "reproduce the problem".
  • Sorry. Yes. The text that was there is gone, and the same thing happens when I cut and paste new text into the fields. It says my changes were successful, but everything is blank.
  • Does it save correctly if you just type into the text box?
  • Yes. I've just tested that and it works. I'll type the whole thing in manually if I can be assured it won't disappear again. The text I pasted in there worked for a couple of months.
  • edited February 22, 2010
    Does it work if you copy just a few words containing no special characters (which includes apostrophes, quotation marks, dashes, line breaks, etc.)?

    If so, find what causes it not to work. You can do this quite quickly by copying half at a time, and then half of the non-working half, and so on.
  • I've found that cutting and pasting does not work anymore, even for a couple of words with no special characters. When I originally added my CV to my profile a couple of months ago, cutting and pasting worked OK, though I had to go through and delete all of the weird characters it created. Now typing into the little boxes is the only thing that works.
  • Are you copying and pasting from Microsoft Word? What happens if you try pasting from another program?
  • I also discovered most of my CV is gone from my profile. I created a profile and a CV during the earliest testing period for the Zotero site, and I've never had trouble. I occasionally update it and also have not experienced any problems with saving or displaying content.

    When I initially built my Zotero CV, I copied and pasted from MS Word, and then edited it to rid it of errant characters, et al. I've also edited the CV a number of times since.
    I used the WYSIWYG edit to style my entries and also linked out to publications and web projects.

    Last week, I updated the Education section manually (no copy & paste), and everything appeared in the appropriate text boxes and displayed on the public side.

    Today, I noticed that only the Awards section contains any text: . Edits to the headings have been saved, but other content is gone.

    I manually synced today before checking the cv.

    A few minutes ago, I typed in some text in the Education section and successfully saved it.

    I'm sure there is no chance, but figured I'd see if anyone else had luck in recovering lost CV data before I start to rebuild.

  • Sheila:
    Thanks for the report. We're looking into this.
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