extra: type: periodical // publisher in references // APA7

I have a follow up question of https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/111485/full-journal-issue

The special issue I am citing lists a publisher on the cover, which is imported by the DOI. The issue itself is entered as a book in zotero.

@adamsmith You wrote that "the extra field overrides the item type". However, when citing the whole special issue, using the APA7 style, the publisher is included in the references.

According to the APA7 style (section 10, example 12), it seems that the publisher should not be included.
The example displays the citation of the following special issue: https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/special/4017313
Although not explicitly stated "Do not include the publisher", the displayed example does not include "American Psychological Association" which is the publisher of the journal "American Psychologist".

So my question is: Is this an error in the APA7 CSL and should be fixed there? Or what exactly means "the extra field overrides the item type"? Is there a good reason for the current behavior and the (dirty) solution is to delete the publisher information from the entry?
  • As I also say in that thread:
    Note that very few (if any) citation styles currently have explicit support for the periodical item type.
    That includes APA7 CSL
  • Sorry, I didn't saw this new comment before writing this question.
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