can't use sync because briefly a different account used sync on this profile.

Years ago, I had a zotero library for a personal projectA. When I started a new projectB, I added it to the same database. But soon it became apparent this was confusing and messy so I copied the profile, made a second one. I removed all irrelevant content mutually.

Problem is that I had signed into zotero with AcountA at some point. Now, project B and all content still "belongs" to Account A.

I tried logging in to Sync with the credentials to this, titusp, account and get message box:
This Zotero database was last synced with a different account (“AcountA”) from the one you are attempting to sync with (“titusp”). If you continue, all Zotero libraries associated with the “AcountA” account will be removed from this computer.

Before continuing, make sure all data and files you wish to keep have been synced with the “AcountA” account or you have a backup of your Zotero data directory.

[ ] Remove all data for "AcountA" from this computer
And it provides this link: which unfortunately doesn't address my situation.

Well, since any actual zotero account, profiles, data etc for AcountA have not been set up on my new computer, I figure it couldn't harm them.

However what it did was reset my whole AccountB Zotero data to brand new.

Logging into the website, AccountA has some entries and organization. I'd prefer to keep that. TitusP has nothing (expected, as I have never managed to use it).

How do I disentangle this? it was s mistake to mix things up in the first place. There area no commen items between the libraries. I want to them to be totally segregated.

Where is this association stores? zotero configs, library items, on the server?
  • Well, since any actual zotero account, profiles, data etc for AcountA have not been set up on my new computer, I figure it couldn't harm them.

    However what it did was reset my whole AccountB Zotero data to brand new.
    No, it does exactly what it says it's going to do: deletes your local data, which is all associated with the previous account. It doesn't have any effect on Account B, other than downloading any data in that account to your computer.

    I'm not sure why you think the linked page doesn't apply to you. It gives you the available options for this situation. You'll need to choose one of them.

    If you want to mess around in the database and take your chances, you can do that, but we're not going to help with that — the reason Zotero doesn't support relinking a database to a different account is because doing so would be complicated and error-prone.
  • So there is no way to unlink the account from the profile?

    Where is this stored?

    I see in `about:config` there are a bunch of options under `extensions.zotero.sync`. What if I delete those?

    Is the association store elsewhere?
  • When I said "we're not going to help with that", I did actually mean that.
  • Well, what can I say other than thanks for clarifying expectations.

    Despite any contention, I would like to say that I extremely appreciate you your time and generosity. When I search for solutions to various problems/confusions I find your posts in the forums going back x years. I can see the time and care you are taking to help people. I very much apologize if in my frustration I would give you any other impression other than gratitude.

    Zotero is an amazing open source project and I'm so glad it exists and everyone who contributes over time has done so; it has improved my life a lot.
  • I appreciate that, but to be clear, what I'm really saying here is less that we're not going to help with this and more that you shouldn't actually try to do this. You should just follow the instructions in the documentation, which absolutely apply to you.
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