Sharing a Twitter/X post to Zotero on iOS contains only URL (no metadata)

Using the "Share post via..." and then selecting Zotero on iOS no longer functions as it did a month or so ago.

It essentially just grabs the URL, nothing more.

It was extremely useful to be able to send something from Twitter to the Zotero database from iOS including Title, author, etc. as one can do with the connectors using web browsers on the desktop version.

Any help very much appreciated.

  • I can reproduce. We'll take a look — thanks.
  • OK, this was due to the Twitter mobile app using as the domain, while the website still uses We've updated the translator to work on either domain, so this should start working for you shortly.
  • Actually, it'll take a bit more work — it's loading now, but the mobile site is different. We'll keep at it.
  • As of this morning I have noticed it is fixed! Thank you so very much for staying at it. Truly appreciated.
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