Generating Reports of selected annotations from list of all annotations of a pdf
Great program. I use tags and when I select one to filter out the items tagged with that tag in a PDF, the short list appears on the left panel. But I cannot generate a report with it. I have tried following the instructions on the Zotero website, but to no avail. What area am I right clicking so as to give me a drop down menu that has the option "Generate a report from.....
Thank you for the help.
Thank you for the help.
To create a note with just a *subset* of the annotations (eg selected via tag) in a single PDF in the Zotero reader, you first create a Note in the right pane of the reader (Notes icon, then + button, then Add Item Note). Then select *all* the desired annotations you want (eg select the top one, then shift-select the bottom one to select all of them). Then right click Add to Note. That Note will then appear in a Report you create as above.